Convert SVG to XAML

I have an SVG to XAML convertor I wrote for an old project that was canceled and I was wondering if anyone needs to convert SVG graphics to WPF XAML.

If you need something like that leave a comment on this post (or, if you don’t want to comment in public use the contact form), if I see activity here I’ll polish the converter a bit and release it as a product.

If no one cares the convertor will remain forgotten on my hard disk until at some point in the future it will be accidently deleted (probably due to hard drive failure).

posted @ Thursday, March 22, 2012 11:37 AM

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# re: Convert SVG to XAML

Left by ct at 3/29/2012 3:32 AM

I'm actually working on an SVG/JS/HTML project right now and would love to see how it stacks up in a WPF XAML implementation. So I would love to try out the code converter and is definitely interested. Thanks!

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