November 2007 Blog Posts

Productivity Tip 4 – Don't Cheat Your Time Tracking Software

Time tracking is not just for billing, in future productivity tips I'll talk about how you can use time tracking to increase your efficiency and take control over your time – but all that only works if the data in your time tracking tool is correct. If you boss or client has direct access to your time tracking you are out of luck, when your pay (or reputation) is directly dependent on the information in your time tracking it's just too tempting to change the data, to modify the estimate just a bit so people won't see how wrong you were...

WPF Reflection Control

One of the more popular eye-candy effects is reflection, and WPF can do really good reflections, this post on Xamlog shows a really nice technique to add reflection to just about anything. When I was showing this technique to a co-worker he asked me if it can be encapsulated in a control, well, why not? So I quickly wrote this control, the control is a "Decorator" like a Border, that means you can add one child to it and it draws itself around that child (obviously this child can be a panel with multiple children). This control is divided into two halves...

Productivity Tip 3 – Time Everything

The biggest mistake you can do with time logging is to log only your billable time. Logging billable time is a must, and is the number one reason to track your time in the first place, but once you start time tracking if you only track your billable time you are giving up on some of the big advantages of time tracking. How much time do you spend reading blogs? Maybe you need to read fewer blogs or to use tools that aggregate data from multiple blogs. How much time do you spend dealing with spam? Maybe you need a new spam filter. How...

WPF Image Viewer Part 7, Rotating the Image with a Transform and More Data Binding Between Controls

This is the final part of the WPF image viewer tutorial: Introduction, Part 1, Part2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6. So, what are transforms? This is an extremely short and simplified explanation, like most of the topics I cover in this tutorial you can use this to get started but if you want in-depth information I suggest you but this book. Transforms are a way to modify how something is rendered to the screen, you can take any control and use transforms to move it, scale it, stretch it, rotate it and more. There are two ways to apply a transform in WPF, Render...