October 2008 Blog Posts

First Page of yaTimer’s Help is On-Line

The first page, describing the task list - yaTimer’s main window, went on-line today. The current plan is to finish the rest of the on-line help at the rate of roughly one page a week. As always, comments are extremely welcome.

StartMenuSearch Discount

Starting today you can buy StartMenuSearch for just 9.99$. This is your chance to get the software that will make the XP start menu usable again for less then what it’ll cost me to buy a nice sandwich. This is part of an experiment to find the right price point for this product, so I can raise the price at any moment – don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Sensible Password Policies

Let me ask you a question, I regularly use two on-line financial services – with very two different authentication systems: The first service uses a simple user name/password authentication, my login name is my e-mail address and the password never has to be changed. The second service uses a more complex authentication scheme, my user name is a random collection of letters and numbers, I have to change my password every month and I have a third identification code have to type to login. Which of those two services is more secure? I believe most people...

Custom Chrome (window frame) with WPF

This post on the WPF SDK blog contains almost everything you need to know to change your window appearance using WPF, this includes: Extending Vista glass effects into your window. Maximizing a window with WindowStyle of None without covering the taskbar. Removing information from the application title bar (Vista only). Drawing in the window title area in a way that is compatible with Vista glass effect. A must read for every WPF developer.

Productivity Tip – Why do you want to be more productive?

Don’t worry, this is not a philosophical post, my productivity tips series is still all about tips and techniques you can use to improve your productivity (and you life). If you are reading this you probably care about your productivity and you want to be as productive as possible, but why? Do you want to make more money? To improve your life style? To have more free time? To spend more time with your family and friends? It’s important to know. Being more productive can help you achieve all those and more, but only if you concentrate on your goals and not...

yaTimer 2.3 Development Plans

There are a lot of small user interface improvements in my to-do list, each one, taken separately, is not worth doing – it will just not have the impact on user experience to justify the time investment. But all of them together – that’s another thing entirely. So, for the next version of yaTimer I’m going to put all the big features I’ve been planning on hold and add all the small user interface improvements instead. If you have any suggestions about UI improvements to yaTimer there’s still them to add them to the next version, leave them in the comments for this...

Blog Software Upgrade

I’ve just upgraded the blog software version, everything should continue to work the same as before, if you find any problem please tell me using the contact form.