mystery time management product (for FREE)

I’m preparing for a new time management related product and I’m going to give it away for FREE (yes, that’s right, for nothing) in exchange for your feedback, if you’re interested go to and enter your e-mail address.

I will only make this product if enough people show interest, so register now or the new product will never be made. Also, this offer is open to everyone so by getting friends that need time management help to register you can increase the chance that the product will be made.

Here’s the link again:

The new product will only be available for free to people who register at, it’s even possible the product will only be available at all to people who register, so register now before you forget about it.

Registration is done using MailChimp, one of the largest and most trustworthy mailing list providers in the world, you can be absolutely sure your e-mail address is safe with them because if I ever do try to spam you they will cancel my account so fast my head will spin.

posted @ Wednesday, March 7, 2012 5:37 PM

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