Doing vs. Learning

There are many sites that provide great information on the internet – especially on topics like marketing, selling, SEO and other parts of running an on-line business.

The better sites are actually a never ending stream if useful content – to the point it’s hard to keep up with all the new great information.

As a side note, most of the better sites are not free – but they are worth every penny if you implement what you learn there.

But here’s the problem, you are flooded with so many great videos, interviews, tutorials, articles and discussions containing useful information  - and you take the time to read, view and listen to all that great content – up to the point you just don’t have the time to use all those wonderful techniques you are learning about.

So it’s important to limit the time you spend learning so you have time to actually do useful work.

And if you miss that article that could have taken your business to the next level it’s ok – your only alternative is to spend so much time learning you wouldn’t have a business at all.

posted @ Thursday, February 23, 2012 2:04 PM

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