yaTimer 2.6 Now an auto-update

If you have automatic updates enabled and you are running version 2.5 or later you should get the updated version of yaTimer within a week.

If you can’t wait you can always click the “Check for updates” button located in the about window (accessed from the last option on the main menu) or the options window (Accessed from the bottom right of the main menu).

There were a few problems with the last auto update – and the reason it has been a full week between yaTimer’s release and it’s availability as an automatic update is that I’ve been working on fixing the problems – and hopefully everything will work now.

If you have any problems upgrading you can e-mail me (the address is on the bottom of every page on the site) or use the contact form.

As always, you can also upgrade manually from the upgrade page.

posted @ Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:48 PM

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