yaTimer 2.6 Released

I’ve just finished uploading yaTimer 2.6 to the server, this version is a free upgrade for all existing customers, you can download the new version from the upgrade page.

What’s new in this version:

  • You can now edit timing information for a task when its timer is running (you can edit everything except the start time and duration of the currently running timing event) – this is the most requested feature for this version.
  • Open and closed groups on the task list are now saved when you close and reopen yaTimer.
  • The main task list is now much faster, uses less memory and has better animations than previous versions.
  • And last but most definitely not least – you can now synchronize multiple copies of yaTimer over the internet with yaTimer Central.
    While this version has only a short list of new features I’m very excited about it, especially about yaTimer Central – I have great plans for this service.

posted @ Wednesday, July 7, 2010 10:04 PM

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