yaTimer 1.2 Task List Improvements: Highlight active counters

Disclaimer: this post talks about a new unreleased version of yaTimer – my task timer application, the software can, and will, change before the actual release – so there is no guarantee the new features I write about here will be in the release version. Details about the latest released version can always be found here. yaTimer 1.2 will be a free update to all current customers.

This is the most requested feature for this version – and one that I actually wanted to add a long time ago, the reason it took so long is that at first I wanted to add an icon to the active tasks – but couldn't get it to look good, next I tried to make active tasks brighter or inactive tasks darker – this was a complete failure because you can't tell the difference between dark green and darkened light green.

On my third attempt I got something that works, I use a lighting effect, an active task now looks like someone has turned on a yellow light behind it.

This took a lot of fine-tuning to get to this point and it's still far from perfect, I haven't decided yet if I'll continue to work on this (for example, it will look better if I change the lighting color a bit) or just release it as it is now.

posted @ Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:02 PM

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