June 2008 Blog Posts

yaTimer 2.2 Changelog

Here is the list of all user-visible changes between yaTimer version 2.1 and 2.2: NEW - Add create from template to toolbar NEW - Grouping in task list NEW - Un-pause tasks FIXED - Comment text truncated on reports NEW - Weekly project timesheet report NEW - Weekly client timesheet report NEW - A new version of all task reports with full comments NEW - Reset all tasks FIXED - Time event text unreadable when using XP classic theme FIXED - Time event show up in wrong order when resetting a running task NEW - Automatically start yaTimer on login option FIXED - Bug when manually entering time in the past FIXED -...

The Application Manifest Needed for XP and Vista Style File Dialogs and Message Boxes with WPF

This is the third post in a series about how to get the latest look and feel for your WPF application, the first part is here and the second is here. Here is the manifest file needed to get the newer version of the common controls library, just setting this manifest will get us the newer (XP or Vista) look for message boxes and the XP look for the file open and close dialogs – but when running on Vista this will not give us the Vista style open and close dialogs, I’ll show how to fix this in the next...

Announcing Start Menu Search for Windows XP

I have a lot of software I wrote for my own use and that I think can be useful to a lot of other people – one of those is StartMenuSearch for Windows XP, a program that adds start menu search capabilities to Windows XP. It is a lot of work to get from a working software program to a product and until now I made a strategic decision to concentrate on yaTimer, so all those useful programs were just left behind. Now I’m going to spend two weeks finishing and releasing StartMenuSearch, so, it will be released on June 26, 2008. Don’t...

yaTimer 2.2 Released

yaTimer 2.2 is officially released - late last night I updated the web site and uploaded the new installer. All yaTimer customers get the new version for free from the upgrade page. Now it’s time to start working on the next version, so if you have any suggestions or requests leave a comment or use the contact page.

Will Setting a Manifest Solve My WPF Message Box Style Problems?

This is the second post in a series about how to get the latest look and feel for the message boxes and common dialogs in your WPF application, In the first post I described the problem. I just understood from a reply I got that I wasn’t clear enough about all the little details in the previous post, I hope this will clarify everything a bit: This approach works, I know because I tested it myself, it works on XP SP2 and on Vista RTM, I didn’t test it on a 64bit Windows yet but I hope to...

It’s Never Microsoft’s Bug

All software above some complexity threshold has bugs and that threshold is fairly low – Just about any software that does anything remotely interesting has bugs. Microsoft’s software, especially Windows and Office are insanely complex – they got so complex because they are so capable and I wouldn’t want to replace them with a simple alternative (you can read what I think about simple software here). If you write software eventually you will run into a Microsoft bug (if you’re software doesn’t run under windows than it’s a bug in the Linux kernel or Rails or a Google service you use), once...